Refund from Google Play:
When it comes to android users, Google play has made it very simple for you to get your money back in case you are not happy with the app. Even though the app currently mentions the time limit of 15 minutes however it is now been increased to 2 hours. With this time limit if the user is not happy, they just need to get to my apps and click on the app they need refund on and select refund. Google play has made this very simple. In case the time of 2 hrs has lapsed, then you might to request the refund through website (report problem tab).
Refund from Windows Phone:
Compared to Android and iOS, windows don’t have obvious refund policy. The process seems to be annoying as it requires you to submit your problem through chat and wait for their response.
Refund from Blackberry:
They have developed a clear step and an online form, that consumer’s can fill in to request refund. The only information they look for is your PIN number and order number for the app. The response time has been given as 48 hours.
Refund from iTunes and Mac App:
Apple has developed a dedicated website to resolve refund issue and has time limit upto 90 days since the purchase. Here a person can ask refund for apps, in-app purchase, music, movies, books etc. All you need is your Apple ID, login to the website, select the app for refund and report the problem. The turnaround time is again 48 hours depending on the reason given for refund.
Since the launch of this service, there has been mixed responses received from people, so say they have been contacted within a few hours of reporting a problem. If you are tired of waiting then you can also contact the developer of the app, generally they do process refund if the problem is genuine. But its always better to contact the company first. Your rationale for refund needs to be indisputable, as it completely depends on the person reviewing your problem. If they don’t get convinced with your reason, your request will be rejected.
Even though these companies have tried to formulate the refund policy, but it’s always better that you take complete caution before purchasing the app and don’t buy something to try and later expect a refund.