How Ultrasonic agglomeration will work?
Ultrasonic agglomeration involves the high-frequency sound waves, projected towards the target particles for causing them to clump together. To control the binding of fragmented food, it involves the careful modulation of the sound. Scientists are trying to create additional menu options, which will be sufficiently compact and stable to be packaged in Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). In last few years, army only figured out how to make pizza, so it’s a big deal and difficult to adapt simple foods to MREs.
In US military the rations are not all exciting for soldiers. The technology is still in development stage right now, now army is focusing on printing compact snack foods and other small eatable foods with the help of ultrasonic agglomeration. According to researcher it can be compile with traditional 3D printing techniques for the creation of more stable and complicated foods like pasta, as application makes the most sense with current technology.
Each soldier has a different choice, but with the help of advanced technology meals could be custom generated as per their choice. But the good thing is if your levels of vitamin are low, so with the help of 3D-printed MRE, your food might contain extra vitamin supplements.
In present scenario, ultrasonic 3D printers are experimental and confined to the lab. Soon for US soldiers the day might come when they can create meals from bulk ingredients according to their taste with the help of 3D printers. Probably this technology will help to print up some pasta or another choice of food with much less waste as well.
Scientists envision a future version 3D printing for food that might make it possible for US soldiers to insert the raw materials to feed into the printer. If the technique will be succeeded then it could make combat units more flexible. So probably, one day you’ll have an ultrasonic food printer in your kitchen.